Virtual reality training a real success story for older drivers

Better awareness and coping strategies were two of the outcomes for drivers aged 65+, who attended a virtual reality training film this week organised by Telford & Wrekin Council.

Published on: 25 September 2024
The team delivering virtual reality training for drivers aged 65+

The sessions have been made possible through a partnership including Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service, West Mercia Police (WMP) road safety team, funding from Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) John Campion and Telford & Wrekin Council’s road safety team.

The three sessions hosted at fire stations - now all fully booked - have been specifically developed to explain the changes that happen as drivers age and how these affect driving skills while at the same time offer coping strategies, ultimately keeping drivers on the road, safer for longer.

The ‘keep driving’ film has been produced collaboratively by partners across the country and the national Older Driver Forum and is being delivered by the WMP’s road safety team.

Attendees watch two short films through a virtual reality headset which have been funded by the PCC. Afterwards, attendees can ask questions and discuss concerns.

Cabinet Member the Economy Councillor Ollie Vickers (Lab) said: “The attendees have found the sessions educational and have helped to build their knowledge and safety on the road.

“As they are going so well, we will be talking with partners to run more in the future, it’s been great working with the fire service, WMP and the PCC to organise these sessions, helping to make Telford and Wrekin a cleaner, greener, safer place.”

Superintendent Stu Bill, West Mercia Police said: “As we age there are issues that we need to be more aware of that may affect our driving. These sessions have been great to visually highlight areas that become more challenging as we age, such as impaired vision and reduced physical mobility.”

Cathryn Williams, Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service water and road safety officer, said: "We are so excited to be offering these interactive, engaging road safety sessions through this partnership. 

"They offer participants the opportunity to reflect on driving habits they have developed over the years and get up-to-speed with the latest road safety legislation in a supporting and encouraging environment.

“The aim of the events was to support drivers to manage the risks so they can keep driving safely for as long as possible. We have had a fantastic take up and we look forward to helping run more in the future.”

For more information on future dates, please email

Caption: The team delivering the training - Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service water and road safety officers Catheryn Williams and (far r) Laura, Telford & Wrekin Council road safety officer Helen Smith, Councillor Raj Mehta, (Lab) Cabinet Member for Inclusion, Engagement, Equalities & Civic Pride, deputy Police & Crime Commissioner Marc Bayliss, Telford & Wrekin Council service delivery manager highways Matt Powell.