Telford & Wrekin Council unveils Healthy Telford Pledge - who will you Do It For?

Telford & Wrekin Council is proud to announce the launch of the Healthy Telford pledge, supporting residents to transform their health and wellbeing by committing to simple and small changes.

Published on: 17 July 2024
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The Healthy Telford pledge is designed to support residents to begin a sustainable change towards a healthier lifestyle. The initiative invites residents to embark on a 12-week journey towards a healthier lifestyle, committing not only to themselves but also to the loved ones in their lives who motivate them to pursue better health.

As a borough, Telford and Wrekin face higher than average numbers of children and adults that are overweight or obese. Findings reported in the Healthy Weight strategy show that residents do want to reach a healthier weight, but find it difficult to be motivated. Likewise, feedback showed that many people found the focus on weight loss alone deterred them from achieving their goals.

Using the feedback as a guide, the Healthy Telford pledge was designed to encourage participants to sign up for a 12-week email campaign and receive guidance, resources, and support. Each week, residents will receive tailored tips on nutrition, physical activity, and mental wellbeing, all aimed at fostering sustainable, healthy habits.

The 12-week journey creates a firm foundation for habit change, while the emails themselves combine additional information to support an overarching lifestyle change, supporting residents to overcome the challenges they identified in their feedback.

The 'Do It For' element of the campaign adds a personal touch, asking individuals to find what it is that motivates them and to reflect on who they are making these changes for—whether it’s for their children, partners, friends, or even their future selves.

Cllr Kelly Middleton, Cabinet Member for Healthy, Safer & Stronger Communities, said: "We are excited to launch this comprehensive email campaign to support our community in achieving healthier lifestyles.

“The Healthy Telford pledge and 'Do It For' campaign resonate deeply with our commitment to create a supportive environment where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

“By focusing on personal motivations and providing practical, ongoing support, we hope to inspire lasting change."

Residents can sign up for the Healthy Telford pledge at and start their journey towards a healthier, happier life today. Individuals can also get involved by sharing their stories on social media using #DoItForHealthierMe, and become part of the Healthy Telford community.