Dog foul enforcement campaign underway

Enforcement officers from Telford & Wrekin Council, have begun their first day of campaigning , in a bid to tackle the rising rates of dog foul across the borough.

Published on: 15 October 2024

Councillor Richard Overton, (Lab) Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Highways, Housing & Enforcement said: “This problem is widespread and with the public’s support we can identify hot spot areas and use tools like CCTV and enforcement officers to drive down this blight on our towns and green spaces.”

While this is the most reported area, we know there will be many areas across the borough where dog fouling is blighting the community. Our teams will be working across the borough in hot spot areas as part of their mission to ensure our neighbourhoods are great places to live.

Irresponsible dog owners have contributed to record numbers rising by 36% in the last 12 months from 823 in 2022/23 to 1,119 in 2023/24. All incidents have been cleared by the council’s teams at an estimated cost of approximately £15k,000.

The campaign will focus on areas with the highest reported rates and asks that people clear up after their dogs and for responsible owners to report instances, allowing the council to gather details of hotspot areas. 

Enforcement officers will be speaking owners about this growing issue while seeking to ensure they have bags available to clean up after their dog; if not fine will be issued. New signage, patrols and CCTV all form part of the campaign.

Councillor Overton added: “We need public support to identify the few culprits who do not think it’s their responsibility and to report it if they see it so we can build a complete picture of where this is becoming an issue.”

Residents are asked not to challenge other owners but, provide details such as times, dates and locations instead. 

The dog foul will be left for two days to ensure the public is aware of the campaign and then removed.

Dog fouling offences are treated seriously and reports where there is persistent fouling or evidence of an offence being committed, will be investigated.

The council relies on help from members of the public reporting issues and providing evidence.

Digital evidence is particularly helpful in proving offences and information including, date, time, location, description/identity of the dog/owner and as much information as possible about the incident and any information regarding the offender. This could include

  • Name / address (if known)
  • Vehicle registration number or
  • Any other identifying feature

You may be asked to provide a witness statement. You will be provided with information and help with this. If the fixed penalty is not paid you may be asked to attend court.

Residents can report dog fouling incidents

  • MyTelford app - Sign up here 
  • Share any evidence of offenders by calling the Telford & Wrekin Watch confidential hotline on 01952 388 800.

Please complete this survey about your view on dog fouling