Action-packed programme of activities draws to a close

An action-packed programme of activities is ending, as Telford & Wrekin Council delivers on one of its 20/20 pledges with the Urban Games.

Published on: 22 August 2024

Final figures won’t be available until the end of the summer, but the Olympic-themed sports and activity sessions have provided free, professional entertainment for young people aged 0 to 16+ at venues across the town.

Over 200 activities are estimated to have drawn in more than 2,000 participants and form part of the council’s commitment to help provide affordable, accessible, and safe support for young people.

Along with the usual sports – football, netball, hockey and cricket there were new additions to the starting line including quidditch and archery, all happening at local venues like playgrounds, sports courts and greenspaces – all completely free to attend, supported by professional coaches make sure youngsters get the most out of the events.

Cabinet Member for Healthier, Safer & Stronger Communities and Partnerships, Councillor Kelly Middleton (Lab) said: “These sessions are part of the council’s ambition to make Telford and Wrekin a cleaner, greener and safer place to live. Best of all, the sessions are completely free to attend, and run by professional coaches so you can be sure your youngsters are safe and having fun.”

The Leader of Telford & Wrekin Council, Councillor Lee Carter, launched an action plan to deliver 20 pledges in 20 weeks after his appointment as Leader on 18 July 2024, and sets out some of the key things people can expect to see done by his new-look Cabinet to improve life in the borough.

The plan comprises 20 wide-ranging actions, from offering additional school places across the borough to launching a new 24-hour noise complaint service and delivering an exciting programme of cultural events, building on the council’s work to protect, care and invest to create a better borough. Full details of the pledges can be found here.

The Urban Games continue to run until the end of the summer school holidays including professional wrestling, multisport such as archery and quidditch, hockey, netball and cricket. The Telford Bike hub will also be open, and Shropshire Wildlife will be hosting Wild Telford activity days. Download the timetable here Urban Games Summer Holidays 2024 flyer (

Alongside the Urban Games, there is a whole host of activities available for young people.